Brings the dialog to screen, displaying the message. If message is omitted or empty, the dialog's width will be set by default to 300 points. If no vertical position is passed, the dialog will be centered vertically on the card. Dialog is resized when Prompt 1 is called twice.
Prompt 2 , <message>
Sets a new message in the current dialog.
Prompt 3
Disposes the current dialog and clears it from the screen.
If no error occured, the Result will be empty. Otherwise, it can contain :
"Error : Bad Mode Parameter"
"Error : Bad coordinate"
"Error : Bad Width"
"Error : Missing Parameter(s)"
"Error : Prompt doen't work properly with HC 2.0"
• Completely rewritten code
• Better SuperCard compatibility
• Added HC 2.0 warning
• Added automatice resizing when Prompt 1 is called twice.
This (these) external(s) is (are) FreeWare,allowing unlimited use in any non-commercial stack. You just need in this case to mention the author's name and copyright in your stack.
Any commercial use must be licensed and aknowledged by the author.